National Broadband Network

Child page

nbn™one-on-one information sessions and online presentations for individuals seeking some education or guidance around the nbn™ network and home connectivity. Available Monday to Friday via video link or phone, these sessions are specifically designed to help anyone seeking support with:

  • When the nbn™ network will be available for your home or business
  • Tips for optimizing your setup at home
  • The process of getting the nbn™ network installed in your home or business
  • The role of nbn versus the role of phone and internet providers

To arrange a one-on-one session, and to find out more and book a 15-minute one-on-one session, simply visit nbn/events. If you would like to request a session outside of normal hours, please let us know by emailing and we will do our best to accommodate you. Our team will respond to email enquires within two business days.