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Expression of Interest

Junee Shire Council is seeking submissions from appropriately qualified and experienced local businesses for the provision of cleaing services

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Board Vacancy Notice

Junee Reefs Public Hall Land Manager

The Minister for Lands and Property is seeking nominations for board appointments to the Junee Reefs Public Hall Land Manager. Appointments are for up to 5 years and are voluntary. It is expected that members of the board live within or close to the reserve.

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Anzac Day in Junee

The ANZAC Day 2024 commemoration in Junee was a moving reminder of the enduring spirit of the Anzacs, witnessed by the impressive turnout of residents and visitors alike.

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Passing Emergency Vehicles

We wish to remind all local motorists to take care whilst
driving or riding on our local roads. If a bushfire does occur in the Shire, be diligent and follow the advice of the Rural Fire Service (RFS) and Police.

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Proposed Closure of Commonwealth Bank

Good news today…
Junee Shire Council and various community organisations and businesses made a significant impact at the Senate inquiry by passionately voicing our frustrations regarding the closure of banks in regional Australia.

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